Valley View Flowers is a family run boutique flower farm growing seasonal flowers, seed & Dahlia tubers in the beautiful Coolah Valley, NSW

“Creating happiness with every flower we share”

Shop Flower Seeds


Shop Flower Seeds *

Welcome to the magical world of flower seed growing. I’m so excited to see you start your flower garden. We offer a beautiful selection of easy-to-grow flower seeds and have the Ultimate Flower Starter kit, perfect for beginners, promising a vibrant spring/summer filled an array of gorgeous flowers.

“Spreading Happiness Seed by Seed”

Shop Dahlia Tubers 

This is your new beautiful addiction- Dahlias! Explore our unique collection, of cut flower dahlias. They are one of the most amazing flowers to grow and will bring you lots of happiness on your gardening journey.

Stay updated on our sale date via our socials Instagram & Fb @valleyviewflowers.


Chrysanthemums are a beautiful, easy to grow plant. Perfect as a cut flower or leave in your garden to enjoy their beauty. Chrysanthemums flower in Autumn.

Propagation of my Chrysanthemums is through cuttings that will be available in November.

In 2024, I hope to release a large amount of my collection and you will be able to purchase with specifically named cultivars.

Know where your flowers come from- Ask the question!

#SupportAustralianFlowerFarmers #GrownNotFlownFlowers #SpreadingHappinessWithFlowers

Flower arrangements

